My employer is going to run a background check. What will they see?

For many people who have gone through the criminal justice system, it can be difficult and stressful to find a job. Upon filling out and submitting an employment application, many employers will conduct a background check. Dependent on the results of the background check, you may not be given the opportunity.

Lifeback Legal is a division of the Law Firm of Shea M. Randall, a trusted California Law Firm. We specialize in helping individuals get their life back with California criminal record expungements and federal licensing services. We are a full service Law Firm — from gathering documentation, hand-crafting petitions, and dealing with the headache of the Courts. We will appear on your behalf to show the Court that you deserve relief.

If you have a case on your criminal record, no matter how long ago, you will want to clear your record as soon as possible. If you do not clear your record, the prospective employer is likely to view information about your case.

However, if you clear your record ahead of time, the case will likely not appear. In fact, in most circumstances, clearing your record gives you the opportunity to legally and confidently deny the existence of the case.

Upon getting the most common relief — a California Expungement under Penal Code 1203.4 — your case will be changed from a Conviction to a Dismissal. In other words, your finding of guilt will have been deemed dismissed.

Dependent on the background check being conducted, the result of the expungement may reflect as Dismissed or may not even appear at all. It depends on the depth of background check and other factors.

To find out what your employer will see on an upcoming background check, we welcome you to reach our team of professionals for a complimentary over-the-phone consultation with Founding Attorney Mr. Shea M. Randall.

Our office can be reached by filing out the contact form below or by calling our office at (888) 751-5329.

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