How to Pass a DOJ Livescan Background Check

Whether you’re a recent graduate or a veteran in any of the following fields of practice, you’ll likely have to pass a Department of Justice (DOJ) Livescan background check with the state of California:

  • Medical or Nursing
    • Ex: doctors, registered nursing assistants, pharmaceutical technicians, veterinary assistants
  • Teaching
    • Ex: Preschool teachers, unified school district employees, after school program leaders
  • Account, Law, Real Estate
    • Ex: Certified public accountants, attorneys, real estate agents

Lifeback Legal is a division of the Law Firm of Shea M. Randall, a trusted California Law Firm. We specialize in helping individuals get their life back with California criminal record expungements and federal licensing services. If you are applying for any of the above positions or any other position that requires a state license in California, we can help you clear your criminal record as soon as possible. 

In order to pass a DOJ Livescan background check, you will want to follow these next steps: 

Expunge or Seal the Cases on your Criminal Record

You’ll likely need to expunge or seal your cases so that it will increase the likelihood of obtaining or renewing your state license. If you do not expunge your convictions, the cases will remain on there, unless you take the necessary steps to file for a dismissal. The same goes for arrests that did not lead to convictions – those cases will qualify to be sealed, rather. 

In order to qualify for a CA Expungement, all probation, fines and fees, and classes must be complete. It also requires that there be no active, open, or pending cases on file. In order to qualify for a CA Record Sealing under Entitlement, it requires that the case charges be dropped/dismissed, never having had a finding or admission of guilt.

Consider a California Exemption

An Exemption in CA can be issued by the Department of Social Services (CDSS) as a written authorization that “exempts” any individual who wants to work at a community care licensed facility, and who has a criminal offense for anything other than a minor traffic violation, from the requirements of having a criminal record clearance through the Caregiver Background Check Bureau (CBCB).

It is important to acquire the Exemption early-on in the application process, so as to increase your chances of getting the exemption issued. Generally, those working in the nursing care field will need to look at getting a CA Exemption granted. 

Be Honest and Take Ownership, Responsibility of Your Past

Upon applying for a state license, you will need to disclose to the state licensing agency all the cases that have or have not been expunged or sealed. This is simply a requirement under CA’s laws. 

When disclosing the casework, it will improve your chances of getting the license by showing proof of the Expungement or Record Sealing, for example proof of the granted order with the Judge’s signature on it. 

Revise your Resume & Craft Character Letters

Passing a DOJ Livescan background check goes beyond the report. It’s also a general evaluation of who you are as an individual. Be proactive and have trusted family members and friends review your resume and provide you feedback.

If you went to nursing school or a technical school, they will likely still be able to offer you resume and career services where you can work directly with experts to revise and get tips on your resume. 

In addition to a clean resume, you will also want to consider compiling letter of character or recommendation that will help show that you are a well-respected, well-rounded individual that has people within your community and potentially beyond that can vouch for your good nature and how things have changed significantly for the better since the casework originated. 

Still have questions or want to speak with someone about how you can pass your DOJ Livescan background check? Find out how our team of Attorneys and legal experts can help you get a state license by clearing your criminal record today. Our team can be reached by filing out the contact form below or by calling our office at (888)751-5329.

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